Rib Cage - Alicia Shahaf

15.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Curator: Sofie Berzon MacKie
There's a witch that is carrying the whole world. In an occult ceremony, Shahaf gathers into her web the garden's inhabitants: flowers wilting or stretching, cracked seeds, perishable branches, scattering leaves. She lays them down and encounters the experience of beauty in all its power and complexity. In its philosophical exile, beauty is not a negligible and beguiling concept but a complex entity inhabiting the groundwater of the human experience. The garden, like the garden of Eden, is a physical space that allows the escape of consciousness. Nothing about it is wild. And yet, it is an area of wilderness, a wilderness of the spirit seeking to pass its incarnations. Nature is a good gripping point for fingertips aching from climbing, a secret agent of healing aches and longings.